Tudo é energia.

Somos todos energia a vibrar em diferentes frequências.

Existe energia que flui infinitamente e energia que bloqueia.

Com este método aprendemos a transformar de uma forma fácil a energia estagnada em energia que flui em todas as dimensões do ser: Unidade, Alma, Mente, Emoções e Físico. Estas transformações são aplicáveis ao nosso Ser, a situações da nossa vida, a relacionamentos e a tudo o que nos rodeia, criando energia de vida em qualquer objecto da nossa casa.

Usamos o 7º sentido para verificar a eficácia da transformação e diagnosticar a origem do bloqueio.

Expandimos o nosso conhecimento sobre as Leis Operativas desta Existência com a ideia de trazer uma nova Consciência e Energia à Terra.

Hatmara-Merkava é um método que permite a conjugação com outras formas de trabalho, mas que não requer nenhuma aprendizagem prévia. 

Dias 27 de Outubro, 9 e 17 de Novembro on-line. Fim-de-semana a combinar em Alcobaça.

Para inscrições contacte: rutemcvinagre@gmail.com

Curso Básico Hatmara Merkava

Tudo é energia.

Somos todos energia a vibrar em diferentes frequências.

Existe energia que flui infinitamente e energia que bloqueia.

Com este método aprendemos a transformar de uma forma fácil a energia estagnada em energia que flui em todas as dimensões do ser: Unidade, Alma, Mente, Emoções e Físico. Estas transformações são aplicáveis ao nosso Ser, a situações da nossa vida, a relacionamentos e a tudo o que nos rodeia, criando energia de vida em qualquer objecto da nossa casa.

Usamos o 7º sentido para verificar a eficácia da transformação e diagnosticar a origem do bloqueio.

Expandimos o nosso conhecimento sobre as Leis Operativas desta Existência com a ideia de trazer uma nova Consciência e Energia à Terra.

Hatmara-Merkava é um método que permite a conjugação com outras formas de trabalho, mas que não requer nenhuma aprendizagem prévia. 

Dias 9, 16, 23 e 30 de Janeiro das 9h às 13h em Lisboa.

Para inscrições contacte: rutemcvinagre@gmail.com

International Retreat Hatmara-Merkava

Our practice during this 2019 Retreat will emphasize the consciousness of "THE WAY OF THE TREE OF LIFE" connecting all levels and dimensions of our guides.

The practice will include Merkava Meditation, the installation of the Tree of Life, and other types of Meditation to develop the ability to connect with our supreme guide and our unique mission. Let's connect our guides; channel vital energy through the use of colors, singing, dancing and moving; exchange treatments for body and soul; practicing the Tibetan Bats - to remain in our center while we connect with everyone and are a channel of love and wisdom; actively meditating - connecting our inner orientation to walking in nature.

The retreat will begin on Friday 21.06 to 19.00 for Kabalat Shabbat meditation, dinner and sound meditation. .
The end of the retreat will be at 30.06 to 16.00.

To get the best results from the purpose of this retreat, it is recommended to take all retreat days.

For those who can not come to the retreat, everyone can do:
2 days retreat from Friday evening until Sunday evening.
7 day retreat starting Monday 24.06 until the end of the retreat.
The last day for entry to the retreat is Monday at 2:00 p.m.
The last day to leave the retreat is Monday morning 24.06.

During this Retreat of Silence, everyone has the possibility and ability to connect with their own guides and their own mission, focusing on their own power, not talking to others and thus disconnecting themselves from the outside world, from the responsibilities of the work, family, etc. It is much easier to connect the guides and the higher self when the mobile phone is disconnected!

It is expressly requested that all participants commit themselves and fully respect silence; including all areas, namely, dining room, temple, rooms and

 The cost of accommodation and 3 meals in the retreat is 35. € per day +
* Donation to the teacher Naomi Imber Feinberg

Please send me your confirmation of the day and time of arrival and how many days you will attend.


REGISTRATION: havia33@gmail.com
Tel. 0351 912141111 / Whatsapp -00972545378103

Enrichment Course Hatmara-Merkava

On the 22nd and 23rd of September the course of enrichment of Hatmara-Merkava will be held in the Space of Sunflowers in Amadora.

All Hatmara-Merkava students are invited to take part in this course. As you know, this method is a method in constant development, due to the efforts of our charismatic Naomi Feinberg. Every year Naomi brings us new transformations, ways to work more effectively and faster. In addition to all this practical component, Naomi shares with us her wisdom regarding Creation, Transformation and Path to the Tree of Life.

Entries must be made by e-mail: espacodosgirassois@gmail.com / tlm: 96 68 77 333 (Luís Pereira).

Basic course Hatmara-Merkava + the Way to the Tree of Life

A new method for resolving the condition of suffering and strife in life on earth is the way of the tree of life.
The course includes
1. What is LIFE and what is DEATH (without life)
2. The wisdom of the working of creation / The operating systems
3. Knowledge of the power of sound to activate the transformation between the physical domain and the non-physical domain
4. What is a TRANSFORMER
5. The seventh sense - the sense to feel the energy of life
6. Train the energy transformations and the detection of different energy conditions
7. Transform the lifeless energy conditions / no co-ordination that are the cause of suffering in coordination and living with the path of the tree-of-life operating system. Be a transformer.
8. Meditation on the Path of the Tree of Life, connection with the mission and your personal project.

This seminar is to get the installation of a new operating system, which coordinates life energy in all its areas.

It will take place on 7, 8 and 9 September in Vila Nova de Milfontes. For subscriptions contact Naomi Feinberg for the tel: 91214111 or email: havia33@gmail.com

Course: the Way to the Tree of Life

A new method for resolving the condition of suffering and strife in life on earth is the way of the tree of life.
The course includes:
1. What is LIFE and what is DEATH (without life)
2. The wisdom of the working of creation / The operating systems
3. Knowledge of the power of sound to activate the transformation between the physical domain and the non-physical domain
4. What is a TRANSFORMER
5. The seventh sense - the sense to feel the energy of life
6. Train the energy transformations and the detection of different energy conditions
7. Transform the lifeless energy conditions / no co-ordination that are the cause of suffering in coordination and living with the path of the tree-of-life operating system. Be a transformer.
8. Meditation on the Path of the Tree of Life, connection with the mission and your personal project.

This seminar is to get the installation of a new operating system, which coordinates life energy in all its areas.

This seminar is intended for students who already have the basic Hatmara-Merkava course.

It will take place on 30 and 31 August. For subscriptions contact Naomi Feinberg for the mobile: 91214111 or email: havia33@gmail.com

International Hatmara-Merkava Retreat 2018

It is with great joy that we disclose the dates of the international retreat Hatmara-Merkava this year. The retreat will be held at Karuna center in Monchique - Algarve, Portugal from 1st to 10th of June 2018.

Get ready for 9 days of silence and connection with your inner self and your Guides. In retreats Naomi Feinberg fulfills her mission and vocation, transforming energy and life so that we synchronise ourselves with the ma'arag, an energetic web to wich we all belong and that unites us.

This year you can make a retreat according to your availability:
- 3-day retreat from 1 June (arrival at 6 p.m.) to 3 June (departure at 6 p.m.)
- 7-day retreat, from 4 June (arrival at 10am) until the end of June 10 (end at 3pm)
- 10-day retreat from 1 June (arrival at 6 p.m.) to 10 June (end at 3 p.m.)

For registration and information please contact: Naomi Feinberg, havia33@gmail.com

Hatmara Merkava International Retreit 2017

It is with great joy that we disclose the dates of the international retreat Hatmara-Merkava this year. The retreat will be held at Karuna center in Monchique from 14th to 23th April 2017.

Get ready for 9 days of silence and connection with your inner self and your Guides. In retreats Naomi Feinberg fulfills her mission and vocation, transforming energy and life so that we synchronise ourselves with the ma'arag, an energetic web to wich we all belong and that unites us.

For registration and information please contact: Naomi Feinberg, havia33@gmail.com.

Hatmara-Merkava Course in Portimão

It is scheduled a new Hatmara-Merkava course in 14, 15 and 16 October. This course is given by Naomi Feinberg herself.

This course gives you the tools to transform all kinds of situations in which the energy does not flow and creates blockages, at the physical, mental and emotional level.

The cost of the course includes practical manual and translation. The course enables the participant to work with Hatmara - Merkava method in all areas of your life.

The course will be held at Espaço Anna Dharma and Rashmi in Portimão. Registration should be with Cristina Velha, by email: cristinasvelha@sapo.pt or by phone: +351 938 444 250 .

Metamer Course

We inform the students of Hatmara - Merkava who feel the calling to work as Methamer  (transformer in Hebrew ) professionals that the registrations for this course are open.

The course Methamer is not a therapist course , as in Hatmara - Merkava we do not heal in the ordinary sense , but transform energy. So we can be Methamer of the profession that we already exercise .

The Methamer course gives the student the tools to be a Hatmara - Merkava professional. The requirement for this course is that the student has practice for minimum six months after the basic course of Hatmara - Merkava. This course is given by the Naomi Feinberg herself.


Contacts for registration and information : Filomena Inácio, tlm.: 914 620 077, e-mail.: maga.yehior@gmail.com

Update Course - Hatmara Merkava

On 24 and 25 September 2016 will take place the next Update Course Hatmara - Merkava in Vila Nova de Milfontes.

This workshop is a seminar update - with the sharing of advances , discoveries and new transformations. This workshop is also a place for sharing personal discoveries of each Hatmara practitioners.
It is important for all students and practitioners of this method are present .

Naomi Feinberg will share in this course news from Israel on the operation of the Tree of Life and clear about the new way to make changes in the Garden of Eden so that more effective to carry out the Tikhun Olam and bring the Creation Tree of life.

We will develop a deep group work in this workshop run by Naomi.

For registration and information please contact: Naomi Feinberg, havia33@gmail.com, tlm .: 912 141 11

Hatmara-Merkava Basic Course - Amadora

It is scheduled Hatmara Merkava - course on the weekend of 9-10 and 17-17 July in Amadora. This course is given by the Naomi Feinberg .

This course gives you the tools to make all kinds of situations in which the energy does not flow and creates blockages , the physical, mental, emotional level.

The cost of the course includes practical manual and translation. The course enables the participant to work with Hatmara - Merkava method in all areas of your life.

The course will be held at Espaço dos Girassois in Lisbon. Registration should be made by email : espacodosgirassois@gmail.com / tlm : 96 68 77 333 ( Luis Pereira) .

Hatmara-Merkava International Retreat - Karuna

It is with great joy that we disclose the dates of the international retreat Hatmara-Merkava this year. The retreat will be held at Karuna center in Monchique from 9th to 9th June.

Get ready for 10 days of silence and connection with your inner self and your Guides. In retreats Naomi Feinberg fulfills her mission and vocation, transforming energy and life so that we synchronise ourselves with the ma'arag, an energetic web to wich we all belong and that unites us.

For registration and information please contact: Naomi Feinberg, havia33@gmail.com, tlm .: 912 141 111.

Update Course - Amadora

On 28 and 29 May 2016 will take place the next Update Course Hatmara - Merkava

This workshop is a seminar update - with the sharing of advances , discoveries and new transformations. This workshop is also a place for sharing personal discoveries of each Hatmara practitioners.
It is important for all students and practitioners of this method are present .

Naomi Feinberg will share in this course news from Israel on the operation of the Tree of Life and clear about the new way to make changes in the Garden of Eden so that more effective to carry out the Tikhun Olam and bring the Creation Tree of life.

We will develop a deep group work in this workshop run by Naomi .

Value 160 € | Time : 10h to 18h

Hatmara-Merkava retreat in Eilat, Israel

From January 28 to February 2, 2016 will be held in Eilat , Israel, an international retreat Hatmara - Merkava . This retreat will be in Hatmara -Home, the home of Hatmara, which will open in December 2015.

Hatmara -Home is the private home of Naomi Feinberg that opens the door for anyone interested in studying, practicing and developing the Hatmara - Merkava method.

For information contact Rute Candeias hatmara.home@gmail.com

Update Course - Amadora

On the 3rd and 4th October will be held the next  Update Course of Hatmara-Merkava, also known as enrichment course.

This is a seminar update - by sharing advances, new discoveries and transformations. This workshop is also a place for sharing personal discoveries of each of practitioners Hatmara.
It is important for all students and practitioners of this method are present.
Naomi Feinberg is always developing her method in search for more effective transformations and investigating new ways to accomplish Tikhun Olam and bring the Creation of the Tree of Life.

We will develop a deep group work in this workshop, through Naomi’s guidance.

The course will take place between 9:30 to 19:00.

Registrations can be done trough e-mail: espacodosgirassois@gmail.com / tlm: 96 68 77 333 (Luís Pereira)

Hatmara-Merkava Course - Vila Nova de Milfontes

It's scheduled a Hatmara-Merkava course for the weekends 10-11 and 17-18 October. This course is given by Naomi Feinberg herself.

This course gives you the tools to transform all kinds of situations in which the energy does not flow and creates blockages in the physical, mental and emotional level .

The cost of the course includes workbook , translation, book written by Naomi Feinberg. The course enables the participant to work with Hatmara - Merkava method in all areas of your life.

The course will be held in Hatmara House at Vila Nova de Milfontes.

For registration and information please contact: candeias.rute@gmail.com / tlm : 914 082 524 (Rute Candeias)

1st Module Hatmara-Merkava at Vila do Conde

This Hatmara-Merkava seminar will provide you the 3 ground pillars for this method / philosophy of life, so that you can begin to make transformations and bring Light and Magic to your life.

You will learn the Merkava meditation, the Seventh Sense which allows you to measure energy conditions and helps you on your decisions' making, and of course, the Transformation's Formulas with the sacred codes to change the energetic condition on any situation.

This is the 1st module of 4 that will give the Basic Course Certification.

This seminar will be held on 11th of July in Vila do Conde "Nymphaea". For registration please contact by e-mail nymphaea@outlook.pt or by phone 914 116 233.     

Hatmara-Merkava on-line

Are now available Hatmara-Merkava lessons via Skype, with all the convenience and without having to leave home.

These classes are for students who have doubts and also for people who want to learn the method. In either case the schedule and/or lessons plan will be adequate to your availability and goals.

Rute Candeias is certified teacher Hatmara-Merkava and Methamer ( therapist ) .

For more information contact : candeias.rute@gmail.com / tlm : 914 082 524 / skype: rute.marta.candeias

Hatmara-Merkava Course - Vila Nova de Milfontes

It's scheduled a Hatmara-Merkava course for the days 30-31July and 1-2 August. This course is given by Naomi Feinberg herself.

This course gives you the tools to transform all kinds of situations in which the energy does not flow and creates blockages in the physical, mental and emotional level .

The cost of the course includes workbook , translation, book written by Naomi Feinberg. The course enables the participant to work with Hatmara - Merkava method in all areas of your life.

The course will be held in Hatmara House at Vila Nova de Milfontes.

For registration and information please contact: candeias.rute@gmail.com / tlm : 914 082 524 (Rute Candeias)