A new method for resolving the condition of suffering and strife in life on earth is the way of the tree of life.
The course includes:
1. What is LIFE and what is DEATH (without life)
2. The wisdom of the working of creation / The operating systems
3. Knowledge of the power of sound to activate the transformation between the physical domain and the non-physical domain
4. What is a TRANSFORMER
5. The seventh sense - the sense to feel the energy of life
6. Train the energy transformations and the detection of different energy conditions
7. Transform the lifeless energy conditions / no co-ordination that are the cause of suffering in coordination and living with the path of the tree-of-life operating system. Be a transformer.
8. Meditation on the Path of the Tree of Life, connection with the mission and your personal project.
This seminar is to get the installation of a new operating system, which coordinates life energy in all its areas.
This seminar is intended for students who already have the basic Hatmara-Merkava course.
It will take place on 30 and 31 August. For subscriptions contact Naomi Feinberg for the mobile: 91214111 or email: havia33@gmail.com