Hatmara-Merkava course - Amadora

It's scheduled a Hatmara-Merkava course for the weekends of 13/14 and 27/28 June. This course is given by Naomi Feinberg herself.

This course gives you the tools to transform all kinds of situations in which the energy does not flow and creates blockages in the physical, mental and emotional level .

The cost of the course includes workbook , translation, book written by Naomi Feinberg. The course enables the participant to work with Hatmara - Merkava method in all areas of your life.

The course will be held in Espaço dos Girassóis, na Avenida Combatentes da Grande Guerra; 33, R/c direito - Amadora. 

For registration and information please contact: espacodosgirassois@gmail.com / tlm : 96 68 77 333 (Luis Pereira)