Workshop Vidanne-Biorgonomy

On the next 22 and 23 November will hold up the workshop Vidanne-Biorgonomy at Roda de Luz space in Loures provided by one of the Hatmara therapist and teacher with more experience who learned the Biorgonomy method. This workshop is an overview of the work of Anne Rasquin Hatmara as a teacher, mind-body therapist and her experience in individual treatments.
This workshop will be focused on: 

  •    Energy and how to work it, increase the power of life energy in us through Orgone, Biodynamic and Breathing
  • Movement and sound
  • Theory and history of Rafi Rosen
  • Theory and history of Wilhelm Reich
  •  Points of opening Biorgonomy, how to open them check their energy
  •  Self-transformation and group  transformation
  •  Work and practice including body massages

 For registration contact: 962 887 591 962887591