Workshop - Energetic surgery using the Hatmara Merkava Method

The next 21st of June, we're going to present the 2nd  Hatmara workshop, focused in energetic surgeries.

This workshop will be hosted  by Dulce Mar: a Reiki therapist since 1999 (with a master's degree in 2000), and working with Hatmara method since 2005, she has been in practicing as a Hatmara therapist in the shed for healing and personal therapy in very practical successful way.

Energetic surgery using the Hatmara method is one of the biggest specializations of Dulce, that she gently accepted to share her knowledge  and personal experience in this workshop with all that already know and use the Hatmara method and are interested in stepping forward in the use of the wonderful method for the sake of your own life and the life of those around you.

Place: Lisboa/Portugal - from 9.30h till 19.00h - Saturday 21st June.
Registrations until 15th of June.
More information to  936 577 608.